Site: Tenerife
Latitude: 28:17:54
Longitude: -16:30:34
Date: 2024-10-05
Next sunset: 18:47 UTC
Next sunrize: 07:01 UTC
Local time at site: 08:34:31
Universal time: 07:34:31
Local Sidereal time: 7:26:22
Altitude of Sun:5.6

Side ports

#1: Closed
#2: Closed
#3: Closed
#4: Closed
#5: Closed
#6: Closed
#7: Closed
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Temperature: 13.7 °C
Humidity: 40.1 %
Wind speed: 4.50 m/s
Rain: No
Clouds: Clear
Dust: 0.0081
Wind dir: 37 °N
Seeing: 0.68028927"
Last seeing at: 2024-10-05 06:39:37 UTC
Next sunset: 18:47 UTC
Next sunrize: 07:01 UTC
Power state: Off
Dome state: Closed
Mirror cover: Closed
Motion state: Stopped
M1 temperature: 14.69°C
M2 temperature: 16.94°C
M3 temperature: 16.34°C
Telescope altitude: 19.77°
Telescope azimuth: 90.35°N
Dome azimuth: 91.1°N
Telescope focus: -1.1634 mm
Instrument: Spectrograph
Light source: Star light
Slit: 36 μM (#6)
Iodine cell in beam: No
Filter: Free
Spectrograph focus: 117000
Beam selector: Beamsplitter

Last observation ended at: 2024-10-05 06:40:09
Object: HD 36861
Request number: 99520
Mode: Th-Ar
Number of spectres:15
Exposure time: 360s

Last spectrum: s1_2024-10-05T06-34-05.fits
Acquired at: 2024-10-05 06:40:08